Document Title
SoCal Gas Line 247 Segment 2 Replacement Project
Document Type
MND - Mitigated Negative Declaration
Present Land Use
El Capitan Canyon Resort, grazing land / AG-II-100, REC / A-II-100, RECREATION OPEN SPACE
Document Description
The request is for a Coastal Development Permit with Hearing (Case No. 23CDH-00003) to allow for the in-kind replacement of a 2,356-foot segment of an existing 16-inch high-pressure natural gas transmission pipeline (Line 247) located south of El Capitan Canyon Resort and north of Highway 101, at El Capitan in the Gaviota Coast area. Line 247 is a steel 16-inch diameter pipeline that transports natural gas under high pressure. The replacement pipeline will maintain the same 16-inch diameter with a wall thickness of 0.375-inch. The proposed Project will not result in any changes to Line 247’s capacity but will upgrade the line to a Class 3 safety rating. The project will include three phases:Phase 1. Jack and bore 176-feet of replacement pipeline under El Capitan Canyon Creek to avoid construction work within the creek. Phase 2. Install an 8-inch temporary bypass line located on the eastern side of the line, running approximately 56 linear feet along the existing line. Install 80-feet of replacement pipeline between the western tie-in and the bore entry hold, and 2,100-feet of replacement line between the receiving pit and the eastern tie-in. Up to 24 bell holes may be required to weld the replacement line in place. Exact locations would be confirmed in the field. All stopples are existing, except for the eastern tie-in stopples, which will be installed during Segment 2 work to allow for tie-in of new line segment.Phase 3. Connect the replacement line to the existing line at the eastern tie-in. Hydrotest the replacement line and allow for continued operation of the Line 247. The 8-inch temporary bypass line will be removed. The 256-foot section of the existing pipeline running underneath El Capitan Creek, between the bore receiving pit and the western tie-in will be, capped, cleaned, filled with slurry, and abandoned in place. The 1,400-foot section of the existing pipeline east of the bore receiving pit will be removed via open trench [1,400 cy removal trench]. Following installation of the replacement pipeline and removal of the pipeline, the trench will be backfilled with a layer of slurry and recompacted with native soil. No work will occur within jurisdictional wetland/waters. El Capitan Canyon Resort entrance existing landscaping will be replaced after construction. Total area of disturbance proposed is approximately 5.50-acres, including 0.42-acres of native vegetation and 1.35 acres of non-native vegetation. The total excavation will be 6,000 cy, including:• Two replacement trenches, one 80’Lx3’Wx6’D connecting to the western tie in, and one 2,100’Lx3’Wx6’D between the receiving pit and eastern tie in, 1,453 cy;• A removal trench (2100’Lx3’Wx6’D) between the receiving pit and eastern tie in, 1,400 cy;• The bore pit (40’Lx15’Wx23’D), 512 cy;• The receiving pit (15’Lx10’Wx38’D), 212 cy;• Up to 24 Bell Holes (10’Lx6’Wx9’D), 320 cy beyond that of the replacement trench; • The eastern tie in of the replacement line (60’Lx20’Wx6’D), 267 cy; • The western tie in (60’Lx20’Wx20’D), 889 cy; and • The eastern tie-in bypass, 47 cy.Excavated soils will be balanced onsite. The temporary workspace along the pipeline corridor will be 80’ wide for the entirety of the pipeline besides the El Capitan Resort entrance road which will decrease to 20’ wide. Staging Areas/laydown yards will be located at either end of the 2,356-foot segment. The project will encroach into the canopies of two coast live oak trees, which will require onsite replacement plantings at a 3:1 ratio using 15-gallon trees or greater. Available space for trees is limited since the safety of the pipeline conflicts with trees within the easem*nt. No work or staging will occur within El Capitan Creek designated Environmental Sensitive Habitat (ESH). All disturbed areas are proposed to be regraded and revegetated after construction activities have been completed per the Habitat Restoration Plan. The replacement of the pipeline segment is anticipated to take approximately 16 weeks. Extended night and weekend work with lighting may be required up three days for the hydrotest and tie-in. Access to the project site will be provided by Highway 101 and Calle Real Road, local access will be provided by existing interior paved and gravel roads. The Project is located on four parcels that comprise a total of 418.28-acres (APNs 081-250-014l -015; -016 & 081-230-035) and are zoned AG-II-100 (Agriculture) and Recreation, located at 100 El Capitan Terrace Lane and 11180 Calle Real in the Gaviota area, Third Supervisorial District