Citizenscan register their alarm systems online. This registration is with the policeand/or fire department and in accordance with a law requiring residentialand/or commercial alarm systems to be registered. Information such as the alarmsystems physical address, mailing address, contact information, and who thealarm system is monitored by will berequired and asked of to complete the registration.
Registration Process
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Alarmed Location Section
Whena user applies for a new permit, thefirst section of information will be the AlarmLocation Information. This section is asking for the physical address ofwhere the alarm system is located and all relevant information for thatlocation. The fields that have to befilled in are the ones colored red. For a commercial location the Business Namefield will be where the company name is entered. Only the street number must beentered for the Street Number field, and the street name, including all directionals, will be entered in the Street Name field. Ifthe location has a suite orapartment number this must be entered in for the Suite. The City, State, andZip must also be added. A Main Phone number is needed; a secondary number canalso be included if desired. Entering an email address will allow the passwordto be emailed for the account thatis now being created as well as correspondences to be emailed. The address willbe validated before an account is created. Validationis checking two things: one if the address is already entered for an alarmpermit and two if the address is within the jurisdiction boundaries. If theaddress does not pass these two validations, a message will come up statingsuch, and will give further instructions.
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*The registration feeshown in this picture is an example, and may not reflect the correct fee thatwill be charged. There may also not be a registration fee due.*
Mailing Information Section
Thenext section, Mailing/Billing Information will be where the address andinformation for where all correspondenceswill be mailed to is filled in. All the fields colored red must be filled in.If the information is the same as everything on the Alarm Location section,click the Use Alarmed LocationInformation button at the bottom of the section. This will copy over allthe information that was entered in the Alarmed Location section to this section.If the information is different (for example, the mailing address is a PO Boxor mail is sent to the corporate office) this will need to be entered in. Forcommercial locations, the name of the company that will be receiving the mailmust be entered in (it can be either the same or different as the AlarmLocation name). The address must be entered in the same way as for the AlarmLocation section, the Street Number and Street Name must be entered in theirown specific fields. If the address is a PO Box, the PO will go in the streetnumber field, and the Box with number will go in the Street Name field. Thisaddress does not need to be validated. Contact phone number and email can beentered in as well.
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TheAlarmed Location and Mailing Information sections need to be filled out in order to receive an alarm permit.If these are the only ones that will be filled out, once they are complete,click the left Submit Online Formbutton below the section fields, and the registration will be completed.
Contact Information Section
TheContact/KeyholderInformation section is where names and phone numbers of people who can becontacted about the alarm system will be listed. This record is for thepolice/fire department in order for them to have a list of people who they canget in contact with besides the main contact information from the AlarmLocation section. Two contacts can be listed on this section.
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Alarm Company Section
TheAlarm Company Information section is where the alarm company information forthe alarm system is listed. Select from the drop down menu list of alarmcompanies which one Monitors, Sold, Services or Installed the alarm system. They do not all need to have an alarmcompany selected. The most important one is the Monitored By Alarm Company.This will be the alarm company that contacts you if the alarm is going off toask if police or fire assistance is needed.
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*The two alarm company fields shown in picture may not bethe only ones available. There can be up to four alarm company options, as listedabove.*
Special Conditions Section
TheSpecial Conditions section is where any information beyond what is listed inthe other sections should be written. Information typically included here wouldbe if there are any dogs in the yard, guns on the premise, any medical needs ofthe occupants, or if there are hazardous chemicals on premise. These conditionsare provided to the police/fire officers responding to the alarm system. Thiswill provide them with information about the location in order to fully assistthe situation.
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Password Section
ThePassword section is where you can enter and verify your password. The requirements are listed on the right andmust be adhered to.
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Registration Complete
Once all the sections have beenfilled out, and the Submit Online Formbutton has been selected, the alarm permit account is created. A pdf version ofa filled out registration form with all the information from the sections willshow up on the screen. If there is no registration fee, the registrationprocess is complete. This pdf registration form can be printed out for recordof the registration, but nothing will need to be mailed to complete theregistration. If there is a registration fee required,this will need to be paid before the registration is complete. Once at the pdfform, you can click the Sign Me in Nowlink at the top of the form, and you will be automatically signed into your account.Account information can be updated right away. The only information that cannotbe updated by you is the Alarmed Location address. Your password can also beupdated any time you log into your account. Select the Change Password option on the left tool bar. Your current passwordwill need to be entered in order to change it to something else.
Online Payments
If the option is available, paymentscan be made online. To make an online payment, select the Pay by Credit Card option on the left tool bar after signing intoyour account. A list of all outstandinginvoices will come up. Check the box under Select for the invoicethat will be paid. Click Continuewhen all the invoices are selected. Fill in the online payment information. Allthe fields are required. When everything is entered correctly, click the Submit button on the bottom of thescreen. This will complete the payment. A payment verified message will come upon the screen if the payment went through.