Case Closed, Vol. 1 (Meitantei Conan #1) (2025)

SoRoLi (Sonja) ♡

4,079 reviews560 followers

May 1, 2023

Der 16-jährige Shinichi Kudo ist Oberschüler und erfolgreicher Detektiv. Doch auf einer seiner Verfolgungsjagden geht etwas schief. Ihm wird ein Gift verabreicht, und plötzlich schrumpft Shinichi und steckt fest in dem Körper eines 6-Jährigen! Nun braucht er ganz dringend ein Gegengift, aber bis dahin hat er noch einige Fälle zu lösen.
Mein Leseeindruck:
Dieses war mein erster Manga. Ich wollte einfach mal wissen, ob mir Mangas gefallen, und da ich Sherlock Holmes sehr mag, habe ich mich für "Conan" entschieden. Und ich muss sagen, dass ich positiv überrascht bin. Es hat mir viel Spaß gemacht, diesen ersten Band zu lesen.
Ich habe zwar keinerlei Vergleichsmöglichkeiten, aber mir hat der Zeichenstil sehr gefallen. Relativ einfach, aber doch aussagekräftig und ansprechend. Auch die Geschichte an sich hat mir sehr gefallen, und die Fälle waren spannend zu lesen.
Ich werde sicherlich diese Reihe weiterverfolgen und bin gespannt, was Conan und seine Freundin Ran noch alles erleben werden!



86 reviews87 followers

June 26, 2024

Today, I find myself enveloped in nostalgia as I reflect on the enduring legacy of Detective Conan. It's remarkable how this series has been captivating audiences since its debut in 1994, continuing to thrive decades later.

The manga chronicles the adventures of a brilliant young detective who, during an investigation, is ambushed and forced to ingest an experimental poison—APTX 4869. In an unexpected twist, the poison doesn't kill him but reverts his body to that of his six-year-old self. Adopting the alias Conan Edogawa, in homage to two legendary crime fiction authors (Arthur Conan Doyle and Ranpo Edogawa), he pretends to be a relative of Dr. Agasa, his neighbor, and family friend. This new identity allows him to secretly aid the inept detective Mori Kogoro—the father of his best friend—while he pieces together the mystery of the secret organization that changed his fate.

I was about eight or nine years old when I first stumbled upon Detective Conan, back when a comic book cost only 30 cents. As I grew older, the series evolved from simple entertainment into a nostalgic journey for those of us who matured alongside it. It's a rare gem that bridges generations—grandparents, parents, and children—through shared experiences filled with suspense and joy. Even my Gen X relatives, initially skeptical of cartoons and comics, have come to appreciate Detective Conan for its intricate plots, well-developed characters, and dynamic artwork, all seamlessly woven with humor and suspense.

Now, over 105 volumes later and still going strong, the series has sparked endless fan discussions, dissecting the plausibility of its mysteries and the ingenuity of its tricks. The dedication of the fan community is evident in their attempts to test the manga's ingenious methods through experimentation. These fan-created videos have demonstrated that certain techniques, which I once thought were purely theoretical, are indeed feasible. One trick that stands out in my memory involves a culprit cleverly returning a key to the victim’s pants pocket after locking the room from the outside, all without re-entry or the help of an accomplice—a concept I had once dismissed as pure fiction.

Though the series’ timeline spans just six months, in reality, it has spanned 30 years, becoming a cultural phenomenon that has withstood the test of time. Detective Conan is a series that invites you to grow old with it, to look back on it with fondness, and to share its legacy with the coming generations.

    crime-detective manga

Dave Schaafsma

Author6 books31.9k followers

April 3, 2019

Since someone had recommended this to me as an old favorite, because I like manga and have just been rewatching some Sherlock and reading some Lawrence Block, I thought I would read this goofy manic first volume (of more than ninety!?).

Shinichi Kudo (name changed to Jimmy for English-speaking sensibilities?!) is a teen detective who helps the police solve cases. In the process of investigating some men in black, they make him drink something that turns him into a 6-year-old. He assumes a new identity as Conan Edogawa (Conan, from his favorite author Conan Doyle), and solves case after case after case, quickly and sometimes cleverly. One case he clearly wants to close is the one about who spiked his drink. Look at the rating average and you can see this has been popular. I think it began in the nineties, came to the US in the early 2000s.

I smiled as I read, feels very much a period manga, but I hereby solemnly promise I will not read the more than ninety books in the series.

    gn-mystery manga-shonen


501 reviews87 followers

July 24, 2014

So yeah, best shit ever?! Do I really need to do a review of this? I still remember going to a stand (yes a wooden stand) downstairs in my home town and begging my mom to buy my sister and I a copy of the series. Each time we would buy 2 manga (one each) and I believe in my entire school, we (my sister and I) had the most Case Closed manga. LOL, we would compete with all the boys who have read the most. Gosh, those were the days. #NoShame #IRegretNothing this is less than a review and more of a life time childhood biggie. My love for this series cannot be described with fancy words. I just want to say one thing...


yel ♡

515 reviews159 followers

April 23, 2020

4 of 5 stars


Chapters 001-009

This manga held so much nostalgia for me. Though this is my first time reading the manga itself, I grew up watching the anime and it was my childhood obsession. This was actually the only anime I've ever watched since I am not really into watching animes. I've told it a lot of times but I am always very much fascinated of clever and wise characters. I've always wanted to see how their brilliant minds work. That is why I am so into Shinichi/Conan. He was so keen and smart. I even remember being so ridiculous to the extent of having dreams about him when I was a kid lol I was so obsessed with him then, and I guess it would probably come back now that I am walking down the memory lane.

It was so good to read the manga now while re-watching the anime at the same time. I am also planning on catching up with both manga and anime. Thinking about the anime, I was reminded of how clever, intense and action-packed it was. I loved that it brings so much memories and feels.

    2020-reads review top-tbr

Raoufa Ibrahim

400 reviews326 followers

May 14, 2017

I like it.. but the fact that I had memorized every case in this volume made reading it less fun :/
but I'm willing to read all the volumes .. this is the only I'll catch up with the story, the anime will reach 900 episode soon!

    manga mystery

seen (the greenhouse of soul)

608 reviews275 followers


August 1, 2024

دايمًا أحس عبارة "أبغى افقد ذاكرتي وأعيد التجربة لأول مرة من جديد" مبالغ فيها، بس ممكن استعملها هنا. منذ الطفولة [منذ كنتُ في الخامسة؟] وإلى يومنا هذا والسلسلة لم تفقد بريقها ولم يخفت للحظةٍ حتى في عينيّ. ممتنة للغاية. لهذه السلسلة قلبي كله لا مكانة خاصة منه فحسب.



2,989 reviews83 followers

December 9, 2020

This was such a great volume, we start with this guy named Shinchi and as he is with his friend Ran and they are in roller coaster ride in the amusement park and some murder happens and right from there you can see him solve a case, and while they are going he finds people and chases after them alone, they give him a drug after capturing him and he grows small. He goes to his house and meets some scientist and through that, when Ran comes to inquire, to fool her he says he is Conan and to protect hi, the doctor says go in with Ran and live in her house and then since her Dad is a detective they will know about the Man in black. They do and from there you have multiple cases that happen like that of the kidnapped daughter and that was brilliant, the way how Conan was able to deduce it was sheer genius and then the next with the idol Okino Yoko and a murder at her house, and that holy shit, it was amazing. The way he deduced it and then since he can't say it outright, used some voice changer to have the detecive Mouri Kogorou solve it and that is when I fell in love with the series, this world and the character! Its amazing, and reading it was pure fun! The art is nostlagic but really cool and just amazing all around!



961 reviews190 followers

July 19, 2017

I read this while over at my friend who's trash for Case Closed/Detective Conan and-
I'M TRASH FOR DETECTIVE CONAN, but i absolutely hate this american edition because the names were changed and it's just plain dumb, the japanese major in me is just plain offended.
But I love these characters, and this manga is so beautiful and smart.
I still would rather recommend the anime ~

Shaimaa أحمد

Author3 books241 followers

January 20, 2019

(قصص رعب و قتل و دماء و غموض وتحري و ذكاء ذات نكهة فكاهية في قالب كرتوني (المانجا اليابانية
إنها بإختصار ساسلة الإنمي لشخصية سينشي كودو أو دعونا نقول كونان إيدوجاوا ...المحقق الذكي

محقق خاص طالب في المدرسة الثانوية يحلم بأن يكون أذكى محقق في التاريخ و يشترك في حل أعقد القضايا في مدينته ينال شهرة واسعة يطارد عصابة تسمى بعصابة القناع الأسود و لكى يتخلص أعضاء العصابة منه ضربوه على رأسه و أعطوه كبسولة تحتوي على عقار جديد يمتيه و لا تظهر آثاره في التشريح..لحسن حظ سينشي يتقلص حجمه و لا يموت فيغير أسمه إلى كونان و يعيش في بيت المحقق توجو موري آملاً في إيجاد أفراد عصابة القناع الأسود حتى يحصل منهم على العقار المضاد و يستعيد حجمه الطبيعي و في خلال إقامته عند المحقق موري يقوم بحل كل القضايا التي ترد للمكتب متنكراً في صوت موري حتى لا يكتشف أمره
Case Closed, Vol. 1 (Meitantei Conan #1) (11)

كم عشقت هذه السلسلة الكرتونية شاهدتها مراراً و تكراراً دون ملل لم يجذبني فقط غموض القضايا أو غباء توجو موري أو رقة ران و شجاعتها أو فلسفة البروفسور أجاسا أو باقي الشخصيات التي كانت تتجدد بإستمرار بسلاسة لامحدودة لترسم عدد لا نهائي من قصص السلسلة و حلقات كرتون غاية في الإمتاع
إنّما عبقرية الكاتب جوشو أوياما هى التي جذبتني و هى البطل الحقيقي في تكوين الشخصيات و صياغة الأحداث لأمتع ساسلسة كرتونية على الإطلاق حتى الآن
Case Closed, Vol. 1 (Meitantei Conan #1) (12)
عندما تقرأ كونان لن تشعر بالغباء أو بضياع الوقت كتبت القصص للحصول على العبر و الحكم و هذه السلسلة خير مثال ..و قد تعلمت منها الكثير ليس اسلوب التحري بالطبع لكن دقة الملاحظة و تجميع الأدلة للوصول إلى النتائج و بعض من مظاهر الحياة في المجتمع الياباني
كنت أتذكرلقطات الكرتون و أنا أقرأ كل كلمة بإبتسامة ترتسم على وجهي
أنهيت قراءة المجلد الأول و بدأت في قراءة الثاني بنفس الإبتسامة

    2019 مانجا


613 reviews77 followers

February 19, 2015

Detektiv Conan kenne ich schon seit Jahren durch die Fernsehserie. Ich mochte die Serie immer und als ich nun mal anfangen wollte Mangas zu lesen, da erschien mir dies als sicherer Versuch.
Ich wurde nicht enttäuscht. Der erste Band besteht aus 9 Fällen und beginnt damit, wie der berühmte Teenager-Detektiv Shinichi Kudo zu dem kleinen Jungen Conan wird und beginnt seine Fälle aus dem Hintergrund heraus zu lösen.
Mir hat das Buch gut gefallen, die Fälle sind sehr kurz und lösen sich schnell auf, dennoch macht es Spaß zu lesen.


855 reviews61 followers

February 28, 2023

The one that started it all, and in stylish fashion may I add. It's a very strong introduction to concept, characters and structure. Long running for a reason, it's the perfect fit for a detective manga sized hole.

    4-stars case-closed manga

Eddie B.

886 reviews

February 7, 2022

A brilliant mix of wit, humour and sweetness. It had me at "kon'nichiwa".

    comics بختي

Kadi P

818 reviews134 followers

July 31, 2022

Japanese mysteries tend to fall into the trap of including a twist so shocking that the answer to the great mystery ends up being ridiculously far-fetched (see Pretty Boy Detective Club, Vol. 1 and Hyouka anime show). However, what was so great about this manga was that it didn’t do that—at least, not in this first volume (perhaps it will end up like that later on down the line in another of the billion future instalments in this manga series).

The art was great and the tone was perfectly balanced between mysterious and humorous. But the one thing that stuck out like a sore thumb was the Western names for the Japanese characters. It’s not as though manga characters don’t sometimes have Western names, but there was something about “Jimmy Kudo” that didn’t quite sit right and names define characters so it felt significant that has name was not Shinichi in this English translation edition. And considering some minor characters retained their Japanese names, it made the fact that major characters hadn’t retained theirs seem increasingly strange.

The opening chapters were engaging and enjoyable. So much so that I found myself constantly wishing the rest of the vol was like the first two chapters. The twist of de-ageing the protagonist was arguably not needed to make this an entertaining read, though maybe needed to make this a more unique one. Though, novelty is not nearly as important as doing what you set out to do well. Regardless, this vol can’t be faulted in that sense. It set out to be an intriguing mystery and it was one. I’d gladly read more to see how the plot progresses as well as see some great detective work in action!

(Recommended by Sam Quixote)

    2022 4-stars manga


381 reviews53 followers

July 5, 2015

I've been meaning to read Case Closed for a long time now. I used to catch the show on TV when I was younger and I always liked it so I though this couldn't be a better option to enter the world of manga.

Shinichi Kudo is a brilliant teenager detective who has helped the police solving a lot of cases. He also has the tendency to put his nose where it's not wanted and it's going to cost him. While spying in some shady men dressed in black, he gets caught and the made him drink a strange potion that turns him into a 6-year-old. From sixteen to six in just one drink. He assumes a new identity as Conan Edogawa (taking the names from two famous crime writers) to protect himself and the people around him and now must pretend to be a normal child. But how can he when there's so many cases to solve? Well, he manages by going to live with his friend Ran and his father who happens to be a private eye, although not a good one.
There's some things in this series that are pretty silly: first of all, the men in black make Conan drink an untested potion and don't stick around to see that it kill him. Also, who lets a 6-year-old hang around while investigating, let alone a crime scene. With a dead person on it. So, yeah, it's a little silly but doesn't really matter because what's important is the story. The main plot is Conan trying to get back to his old self by locating the men-in-black but we know what not gonna happen until this series stops making money. So, it's mainly Conan solving cases but because no one takes a 6-year-old seriously, he must point Ran's father and the Inspector to the clues and similar stuff. A bit far-fetched too, but whatever.

I really enjoyed this volume but the fact that I'm not going to get any answers regarding the men-in-black is holding me back a bit. I mean, there's 85 books of this, are we always going to be going back to square one to what? I'm probably over thinking but it's spoiling a bit of the fun for me.



3 reviews

June 1, 2011

Detective Conan is something the makes me read all night long and it's just really intense that you just won't stop reading. This is only the first book out of hundreds more. This book is where Kudo Shinichi solved a case that happened during a roller coaster ride and he followed this two looking suspicious men in black. He followed them until 'Vodka' noticed that Kudo has been following him and his partner 'Gin' so he went around and smacked Kudo from behind that caused him to lose consciousness. Once he lost his consciousness, the men in black who works for a secret organization tested a medicine they invented and Kudo was the first one to take it. The police then came so men in black ran and left Kudo in the ground. The police found Shinichi and asked him where his parents were and what a little kid is doing wearing clothes of a grown man. Kudo didn't know what they were talking about until he noticed that he shrunk and is now younger. He's turned into a little boy cause of the medicine the men in black gave him... and now he is in search for an answer on how to get his old body back.....


733 reviews293 followers

June 29, 2012

Okay, a quick walk down memory lane for me. I read this series when I was still living in China, which was a long time ago, just to put this into perspective. If you were hoping for a detailed review, thou shall not find it here.

So basically this series:
- Has a nice plot (neat concept)
- Has some awesome mysteries (This has to be my favourite thing about the series as I LOVE reading mysteries).
- Has some badass characters
- Has some hilarious characters
- IS TOO DAMN LONG! (This series has 76 volumes published and is still ongoing. In addition to that, the animated version of this has 660 episodes and it is also ongoing! ) Suck on that Law and Order! I just cannot keep up with this series so I think this is why I abandoned it.

But, (oh there is a but), if you are like me and enjoy mysteries, I highly recommend you check out the 16 movies (also ongoing) they have put out based on this manga series. A majority of them are great and they are enough to satisfy a mystery lover (like me).



581 reviews45 followers

July 11, 2014

I love this series!

The art is beautiful. Each character is distinct and the horror of dead bodies and crime scenes are not glossed over CSI style.

The plot has the perfect elements of the over arcing story of Conan's "men in black" and their mysterious poison that has shrunk him down to half the size he used to be but still twice the detective. With individual cases we get to see Conan flex his unique problem solving mussels to catch the bad guy and save the day. All without people knowing a six year old with the bow tie is working behind the scenes.

This is the second time I'm reading the manga. Last time around I got pretty far in but I have completely forgotten what book I last left off on and I don't want to miss thing! So I'm going back through and honestly I don't mind a bit. These stories are really some of the best constructed mysteries I've ever read.

    manga mystery-crime

Kailey (Luminous Libro)

3,360 reviews508 followers

June 18, 2021

Jimmy is in high school, but he's already a famous detective, solving cases all around Japan. He gets into trouble with some thugs, who force him to take a mysterious chemical that changes him into a child. He's still solving mysteries, but no one will listen to him when he looks like he's 7 years old.

I loved this fun manga! Jimmy is a smart character, and I liked the supporting characters and their rocky relationships. I was laughing through several of the scenes, and I was intrigued by the mysteries. The art work is good, and I liked the design of the different characters.
I will definitely be reading more from this series!

    books-read-in-2021 graphic-novels-and-manga

Indah Threez Lestari

13.3k reviews261 followers

September 28, 2013

#Program BUBU

Manga jilid kesatu ini pertama kubeli dan kubaca tahun 1997. Dan terus terang, awalnya aku memandang manga ini sebelah mata, karena tema cerita orang dewasa yang menyusut jadi anak kecil sama sekali bukan hal istimewa bagiku. Mengapa demikian?

Waktu SMP aku pernah terpesona waktu menonton film di bioskop berjudul Big (1988) yang dibintangi Tom Hanks. Di sana tokoh utamanya yang masih SMP mendadak jadi dewasa berkat kekuatan ajaib mesin pengabul permintaan di pasar malam. Begitu terpesonanya sampai aku sanggup menulis ulang cerita dan dialognya (teks terjemahan bioskop, tentunya). Dan begitu terpesonanya sampai aku terinspirasi untuk menulis cerita dengan tema yang serupa. Bukan plagiasi, tentunya, karena ceritanya sangat berbeda, hanya kondisi tokoh utamanya yang nyaris mirip meskipun terbalik: orang dewasa yang menyusut jadi sebesar anak TK berkat kekuatan ajaib fortune cookies, kondisi yang menyulitkannya untuk meraih cinta dan melindungi wanita cinta pertamanya. Novelku waktu SMP itu kuberi judul "Kecil". Yeah, right, judul yang sangat tidak kreatif, tapi jelas menunjukkan inspirasinya berasal dari mana XD

Anyway, kembali ke manga Detektif Conan, yang membuatku berubah pikiran dan menjadikan manga ini termasuk serial manga favoritku memang kisah detektifnya, meskipun aku cenderung lebih menggemari Hercule Poirot ketimbang Sherlock Holmes. Ide cerita misterinya tidak ada habisnya (plus dibumbui kisah romantis para tokohnya), dan membuatku bertanya-tanya mungkinkah semua cerita pembunuhan itu dapat terjadi di Jepang yang konon tingkat kriminalitasnya termasuk yang terendah di dunia.

Tapi memang sih, lama-lama aku merasa serial ini mulai mirip serial Doraemon atau bahkan si Unyil. Sudah belasan tahun berlalu, kondisi tokoh-tokoh utamanya masih begitu-begitu saja. Padahal Shinichi Kudo/Conan Edogawa sudah berulang kali merayakan Natal, Tahun Baru, dan lain sebagainya. Piye toh iki, apakah waktu seolah berhenti di tempat, atau terus berputar ulang? Seharusnya kalau memang Conan tidak dapat bertumbuh karena pengaruh obat, setidaknya orang-orang di sekelilingnya tetap menua! Seharusnya komik detektif tuh sangat mementingkan logika! Logic check dong, Aoyama-sensei!

But nevertheless, manga ini tetap menjadi salah satu serial favoritku. Kalaupun hal-hal tidak masuk akal dan logika terjadi, pembelaan yang dapat kuberikan untuk serial ini hanyalah: Namanya juga komik!

    beli-ulang-baca-ulang indonesian manga

Samuel Lizarraga

1 review

April 13, 2008

Case Closed vol.1
By: Samuel Lizarraga

This review may or may not contain spoilers!

In this Manga, a Junior in high school Jimmy Kudo uses his superb detective skills to solve mysteries that have left the police baffled! In the beginning of the book, Jimmy is with his good friend Rachel Moore also a junior in high school, when Rachel reminds Jimmy about a scheduled “date” that they had planned Jimmy freaks. Finally Jimmy decides to take her out to the fair. When they reach the fair Jimmy encounters a female gymnast. As they form a line to ride on one of the roller coasters, Jimmy sees two suspicious men in black. When it was there turn to get on the ride a freak accident happens! (WARNING SPOILER AHEAD)....As the ride enters a dark tunnel, a man's head is ripped right off! Jimmy feels a “warm” substance. As the exit the tunnel everyone is dazzled and yelling with panic. When the police arrive at the crime scene, it was discovered that this had been no accident! It was a murder. As Jimmy interrogates the people that were aboard the ride when the crime happened, he notices that the two suspicious men in black were very nervous. It was soon to find out that the person guilty of murder was the gymnast. She had killed her boyfriend with a piano string because she was mad at him for dumping her. When it was about time to leave the park, Jimmy encounters the two suspicious men. He overhears their conversation about smuggling guns, but jimmy was caught by one of the men. The decided not to shoot him because the police was still around. So they gave him a poisonous pill (the pill had not yet been tested on humans) in order to kill him. The pill did not work, instead when Jimmy woke up he had become a small child later named Conan Edogawa. Conan solves many adventurous mysteries throughout the whole book. He wants to hunt down the mysterious men in black in order to get his adult body back.

Case Closed is a marvelous novel with many suspenseful parts that I really enjoyed to read. I really look forward to buying volumes two and above.

I really recommend Case Closed for all of those people who like Manga and or detective like novels.

Thank you, Gosho Aoyama for your marvelous novels. (author)

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.



1,338 reviews78 followers

July 2, 2018

14 Sep 2015:
Dari vol.1 sampe...yah, sekitar vol.30-an gitu masih seru...
Lama-lama agak bosen, tapi tertarik lagi pas ada perkembangan tokoh-2nya atau kasus dengan kawanan jubah hitam (^,,^)

Terakhir ini udah terbit vol.85-nya yang seru karena

Tokoh favorit di komik ini : Profesor Agasa ヽ(o^―^o)ノ

02 Juli 2018:
Beberapa hari lalu baca vol.92 dan 93-nya, dan mungkin karena sambil baca Kindaichi juga akhir-akhir ini, jadi Teringat-Kembali™ kenapa dulu lebih memilih Conan ^^ //bersiapmenghadapigempuran

Selama ini, baca tiap volume yang diseling jeda cukup lama bikin aku "Haa.. ini siapa, kenapa hubungannya dengan tokoh yang itu jadi gini?" terhadap benang merah kasusnya. Asli, kawanan jubah hitam itu sebenernya ngemalesin banget karena kelewat

super rahasia XD tapi hubungan kasusnya dengan

Baca dua volume sekaligus + buka lagi volume-2 sebelumnya, jadi kagum dengan cara mangaka meletakkan pion-pionnya -- kadang hanya sekelebatan di tengah kasus -- yang semuanya membentuk gambaran yang makin lama makin jelas... (Mungkin baru jelas gambaran ini saat komiknya tamat, entah kapan~ XD //tertawapahit).

Tanpa berniat membandingkan (tadinya^^), aku ngerasa kasus-kasus di Conan lebih 'membumi', walau kadang triknya kelewat melangit XD Yang pasti, aku lebih suka gambarnya, terlihat bulat-bulat lucu, dan tetap bisa menampilkan ekspresi yang dibutuhkan. Favoritku:

Aku cuma berharap komik ini segera tamat.. orz.. dengan baik-baik saja~



629 reviews32 followers

October 7, 2016


Judul yang... rasanya tidak perlu lagi diperkenalkan ke pembaca komik Indonesia. Saya suka volume-volume awal saat plot utamanya masih bergulir dengan efektif, tone-nya lebih gelap sehingga pembunuhannya masih terasa mencekam, dan jumlah karakter pendukungnya belum membludak tak terkendali.

Kasus-kasus/momen favorit:

Sayang komik ini terjebak status quo di mana plot sebenarnya tidak maju dengan signifikan dan karakter baru terus ditambahkan tanpa ampun, sementara karakter lama tidak berkembang atau berubah. Hal-hal yang sama diulang berkali-kali, sedangkan kasus episodiknya pun benar-benar terkesan jadi sisipan tidak penting. Hukum law of diminishing value sangat terasa berlaku di sini.

Namun, dari apa yang saya baca sebelum menginjak rem dalam-dalam, saya cukup menikmati Conan: kombinasi yang menghibur antara teka-teki pembunuhan, petualangan penuh gadget dan intrik, dan humor yang jenaka. Pada akhirnya, tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa komik ini telah menancapkan legendanya di Tanah Air~



1,901 reviews263 followers

October 15, 2011

Where to start on this series... Besides that it will only end when the creator runs out of ways to kill people.

The story is of (at least in English, 'cause that's the only version I've read), is about a mystery-novel lover named Jimmy, who is an expert detective on the side. He sticks his nose where it doesn't belong and is given a deadly drug. But it would be boring if it ended that way, now wouldn't it?

It turns out, this drug has a 1/100 chance of, rather than killing, turning people into little kids! Jimmy is lucky enough to be one of these cases, and starts running around as Conan Edogawa, first grade genius detective, and solves all the ridiculous murders and crimes that he and his new friends happen to run into.

Conan doesn't look for trouble, trouble just finds him.

Ala Sherlock Holmes, this series has some spectacular killings and crimes and even more spectacular solutions.

    favorites first-in-series-manga japan-stuff


606 reviews11 followers

August 29, 2024

-¿Por que tienes que ser detective? Si tanto te gustan las novelas policíacas, hazte escritor.
-No quiero escribirlas, quiero vivirlas.

Case Closed, Vol. 1 (Meitantei Conan #1) (28)

Al principio no me atrevía a leer este manga, ya que tiene unos 985 capítulos actualmente. Pero la curiosidad pudo conmigo y acá estoy ¡No me arrepiento de nada! Me encantó Shinichi desde el comienzo <3 necesito que urgentemente vuelva a la normalidad y esté con Ran

Case Closed, Vol. 1 (Meitantei Conan #1) (29)

    2017 autores-asiáticos con-adaptación

Mayar El Mahdy

1,650 reviews1 follower

June 6, 2021

يكتشف الغامض والمثير.. تراراتاتا

I'm biased. I'm so very biased. I loved this as a kid and as a teen. It's frustratingly long and also super cute. I decided to read it in English to avoid translator shoving their personal beliefs down my throat, but they also do that, apparently.

THEY CHANGED THE NAMES! It's outrageous. I'm so angry about it. Instead of Sinchi and Ran, we have Jimmy and Rachel. Kogoro Mouri is Togomori in Arabic and Richard Moore in English. I am livid. Why even do that?

Anyway. This is beautiful. The art is beautiful and the angst is angsty. The stories are fun and the big arc is still weird but cool just like it was when I was six myself.


for-much-deliberation ...

2,682 reviews

September 2, 2016

High school detective Shin'ichi is made to drink a strange chemical causing his body to shrink to that of a six year old, but, however, his mystery solving problems are retained... After assuming the title of Conan, he now realises that solving cases as a kid is a bit difficult, after all, who will listen to the whims of a kid?
In this first volume he solves a be-heading, a kidnapping, and a murder...

    crime graphic-novels-and-comics manga


75 reviews8 followers

March 5, 2022

okay, few points.

1. I was afraid of judgments for tracking a manga read in Goodreads, but—you know what—screw it!

2. What's with this Jimmy Kudo and Rachel Moore nonsense! These translators really underestimated the world's tolerance for unfamiliar foreign names/cultures.

3. The read was great. Easy read. Interesting plots. Nostalgic characters. Adorable drawings. Can't lose with a Detective Conan volume.



445 reviews83 followers

January 20, 2022

who the hell is jimmy kudo

    comics spy-story teens-ya


313 reviews22 followers

December 6, 2022


Case Closed, Vol. 1 (Meitantei Conan #1) (2025)


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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